Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Chuckanut Drive Closed By Slide. Again.

It is harder to keep roads open in Washington than in relatively flat Texas. Last week, or was it the week before, an avalanche closed the North Cross-State Highway til the spring thaw.

A rockslide has closed Chuckanut Drive for a week or so, while a hillside is stabilized.

Do rockslides still happen on the section of Interstate 5 that is almost to Bellingham, due west of Lake Padden?

I've seen some huge boulders come down on that stretch of road.

The current slide on Chuckanut Drive brought down boulders described as half the size of a Volkswagen Beetle.

Chuckanut Drive was often my preferred route to get from Mount Vernon to Bellingham, with a stop at Larrabee State Park to hike up Chuckanut Mountain to Lily Lake and then on to Haggens in Bellingham for sushi or Chinese food.

Click here for more on Chuckanut Drive, including a video.

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