Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Fremont Fair & Summer Solstice Parade with Naked Bike Riders

You are looking at the Fremont Troll. An iconic Seattle image. The Fremont Troll resides under the Aurora Bridge in the Independent Republic of Fremont.

Years ago, way back when there was still a Soviet Union, Fremont seceded from both Seattle and America, seeking to become one of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics.

The USSR never granted Fremont member status, but, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Fremont did acquire a missile or two, and a statue of Lenin.

Today, June 19, with this being the Saturday closest to the Summer Solstice of June 21, Fremont celebrates with its annual Fremont Fair and Summer Solstice Parade.

The Fremont Summer Solstice Parade is infamous due to the large number of bike riders in the parade who opt to make it a clothing optional event.

The Fremont Fair is thought, by many, to be the quintessential Seattle event. I have attended a time or two and I would have to agree.

I recollect one of my co-attendees purchasing special brownies from a vendor loudly hawking the special brownies. The brownies contained an ingredient that is frowned upon, or outright illegal, in other, less liberal, less free-spirited areas of America.

I do not remember those special brownies causing any particular problem. I do remember them being the most relaxation inducing brownies I've ever consumed.

I have never ridden my bike sans clothing. Quite frankly, the idea holds absolutely no appeal to me. But, I don't begrudge others who think this seems like a fun thing to do. Or the over 100,000 who freely attend the extremely liberated Fremont Fair and Summer Solstice Parade.

If you get hungry while at the Fremont Fair you'll find all sorts of food vendors covering just about every cuisine you can think of. Or you can wander off to a Fremont area restaurant, like Nectar, Roxy's Diner, ToST, 35th Street Bistro, Tula's Restaurant & Nightclub, Serafina, Tractor Tavern, Pasta Freska, McCormick's & Schmick's Harborside Lake Union and Zoka Coffee Roaster & Tea Co.

If you can't attend the Fremont Summer Solstice Parade today, you can see what it is like, including the naked bike riders, by watching the video below...


  1. Quintessential Seattle event the Fremont parade? You obviously are not FROM Seattle. Seafair. We all grew up with wooden hydroplanes that we pulled in races on strings with our bikes. I don't know about Fremont but we all wore clothes in Ravenna. Miss Bardahl forever!

  2. Besides, as you noted, Fremont is not really even part of Seattle, despite what the maps say.

  3. I stole the quintessential Seattle event line from the article about the Fremont Fair in the P-I. But, having been to Seafair and the races and the Fremont Fair, I'm sticking with the Fremont Fair being the quintessential Seattle event theme.

    I think there is likely some topless activity in front of Miss Bardahl in the current day version of the hydro races.

    Did I say Fremont isn't part of Seattle? I really need to start paying closer attention to what I say. If I remember right, Seattle absorbed Fremont and then Fremont rebelled and tried to secede. But, I don't think it was successful. so Fremont is still stuck in Seattle.
