Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Is Seattle Going To Get Its Own Version Of Vancouver's Clothing Optional Wreck Beach?

Seattle's new mayor, Mike McGinn, has been asking Seattlites ideas about what sort of things they'd like to see in Seattle's future.

Apparently a lot of people in Seattle would like to have European type clothing optional outdoor recreation locations.

I don't know why Europe is being the point of naked reference. All you have to do is drive up to Vancouver and visit Wreck Beach for some Nude Beach fun.

I've only been to Wreck Beach once. I was surprised at how many naked people were having fun. I felt a lot of pressure to not keep my clothes on, very susceptible, I am, to any peer pressure, so, I soon joined in. I had no sunscreen with me, so this could not last more than an hour.

In addition to laying on the beach, others were playing volleyball and other games. Some strolled the beach in their birthday suit glory. Vendors cook burgers for sale. It's quite a festive atmosphere.

The nudists tended to be young and in good shape, I think, maybe, somewhat due to Wreck Beach being next to the University of British Columbia.

Closer to Seattle, there is a beach near Bellingham that is clothing optional, called Teddy Bear Cove. I do not know if this is still the case in 2010, but I suspect it is. I have also been to a nude beach by Evergreen State College in Olympia. I did not join in.

I don't see why it would be a big deal in Seattle to designate one of the town's beaches as clothing optional.

Afterall, in 3 weeks Seattle will be seeing the annual Fremont Solstice Parade with it famous, or is it infamous, Nude Bike Ride.

Watch the YouTube video below to see how totally wholesome Seattle's Fremont Parade's Bike Ride is...

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