Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dry Falls, Sun Lakes, Wind, Riots & Streakers

You are looking at an old postcard of Dry Falls. I did not remember there being such a big lake at the base of Dry Falls.

And then I looked at some pictures I'd taken years ago to see there is a lake at the base of Dry Falls. The lake in my picture is smaller.

Sun Lakes State Park is very close to Dry Falls. I don't remember if you can drive to the lake at the base of Dry Falls. I do remember dirt roads and hiking in that direction.

When I was a kid camping at Sun Lakes State Park was my favorite of our family camping destinations. I think my favorite thing about staying at Sun Lakes was the regular nightly hurricane like wind. I think the name for it is Zephyr.

Something about the Coulee and the temperature dropping with the setting sun caused an air pressure differential that created a BIG WIND. Sun Lake veterans know to expect this and make sure everything is as secure as possible. I've seen campsites blown totally apart, with the Sun Lakes newcomers in a state of shock.

I don't recollect there being any warning signs about BIG WIND potentials.

When I was in my 20s Sun Lakes was a frequent weekend destination. It had a sort of Spring Break feeling. At times the crowd of twenty-somethings could get a bit rowdy. I remember a night of confrontation with park rangers that turned into a sort of riot. With streakers. I was just an observer. Not a rioter or a streaker.

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