Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mount Baker Snowiest Location on Planet Earth

You are looking at an old postcard of Mount Baker. The view appears to be from the Mount Baker Highway.

When I lived in Mount Vernon I could see Mount Baker from my kitchen windows. In my current location, deep in the heart of Texas, no matter where I look I see no mountains.

Only Mt. St. Helens is a more active volcano than Mount Baker of the volcanoes in the Cascade Mountain Range.

Like Mount Rainier, Mount Baker is visible from a large area of the Puget Sound zone, you can see the mountain from Seattle and Vancouver.

Of the Cascade mountains, only Mount Rainier has more glaciers than Mount Baker.

Mount Baker is one of the snowiest places on the planet. In 1999 a world snowfall record was set of 95 feet in a single snow season. That is a lot of snow.

The drive to the Mount Baker Ski Area is quite an adventure, both when snow is on the ground, or not. It is at the ski area that the snow record was set.

When the snow melts, for the most part, by late summer, the hiking in the Mount Baker area may be the most scenic in the Cascade Mountains.

That is Mount Shuksan behind my nephews, Jeremy and CJ. CJ is looking to his left at Mount Baker. Jeremy and CJ are sitting on top of Tabletop Mountain.

By later summer, usually, the snow has melted enough to drive past the ski area to a big parking lot, from which you can hike on to Mount Baker, or climb Tabletop Mountain. Or hike other trails.

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