Friday, July 8, 2011

Washington Has Almost Doubled Its Number of Obese Residents in the Past 15 Years

Somewhat surprising obesity news out of Washington today. That being that in the past 15 years Washington has almost doubled its obesity rate.

Washington's obesity rate was 13.9 % of the population in 1995, this increased to 26.4 % of Washingtonians being obese in 2011.

Washington is in an elite class of 10 states which had 90 % increases in obesity rates since 1995.

Washington is now the 28th most obese state, according to the latest data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 1995 Washington was tied with California for the 32nd most obese spot.

Washington is now the most obese of the west coast states. Oregon's obesity rate is 25.4 %, California is even skinnier with a 24.8 % obesity rate.

Washington's neighbor to the east, Idaho has a 25.7 % obesity rate.

In 1998 I moved to one of America's most obese states, Texas. Since I arrived in Texas, the state has gotten less obese. I am fairly certain this shrinkage has nothing to do with my arrival in Texas.

I have noticed, when returning for visits to Washington, that many of my acquaintances. And relatives. Have grown fatter.

When I moved to Texas the entity in the photo above likely weighed around 250 pounds. The last time I saw her, in 2008, she had easily doubled, maybe tripled, in size. This entity could be the Poster Child, I mean, Adult, for Washington's obesity problem.

In Washington it is so easy to be active, outdoors, all year long. It is so easy to get fresh fruit, vegetables and seafood.

Washington needs to go on a diet, at once, and get skinnier than Oregon, California, Idaho and Texas.


  1. Apparently, Fort Worth has some catching up to do! I think Betsy will be less vigorous in the obesity catch-up campaign than Jim Lane would have been. When I met her, she seemed a bit scrawny...

  2. I've lost a fair amount of weight in the last 5 months or so mostly from walking and drinking less alcohol (beer).

    I doubt there are very many guys my age and weight who walk as much as I do. So far so good with 25 to 30 miles a week. Not great but not bad either.

    I had a stress fracture in one foot that hurt with every step and I kept a goin'. I had a half dozen fire ant bites on one foot that blistered and burst and I kept a goin'.

    Pain is weakness leaving the body. kidding
