Sunday, February 1, 2015

Dallas Zoo Porcupine Picks Seahawks To Win Super Bowl While Dallas Penguin Chooses Patriots

I do not know what the deal is with Dallas/Fort Worth area zoo animals weighing in on who is going to win the Super Bowl.

A few days ago a Fort Worth Zoo crocodile named Salty picked the Seahawks to win by choosing to swallow a chicken representing the Seahawks.

Then at the Dallas Zoo a porcupine named Teddy Bear joined Salty in picking the Seahawks. I do not know by what means Teddy Bear made his choice.

Teddy Bear has a golden reputation, apparently, as America's greatest living football pundit.

Also at the Dallas Zoo, a co-inmate, that being a penguin named Sid, picked the New England Patriots to beat Seattle in today's Super Bowl.

Again, I do not know how the Dallas Zoo penguin made its choice.

I learned about the Dallas Zoo Super Bowl picks via the Dallas Observer, in an article titled Fort Worth Crocodile Agrees with Dallas Porcupine, Picks Seahawks in the Super Bowl. In that article, if you click the link, you will find video of Salty picking the Seahawk chicken in one extreme gulp.

At the top of the Dallas Observer article it is written "We Apologize in Advance for this Particular Item".

I do not know for what the Dallas Observer is apologizing, but, below the photo is the caption, "Shouldn't devouring the Seahawks chicken mean he's picking the Patriots?"

Is the Dallas Observer apologizing for suggesting such a thing? I have no idea, but the same thought crossed my mind.

The Dallas Observer made the good point that a more accurate test of Salty's preference would be if the choice of an actual Seahawk and an actual Revolutionary War hero was dangled above him, with the one eaten being his choice to lose the Super Bowl.

I do not know where one would find Revolutionary War hero to participate in such a thing.

Or a Seahawk....

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