Saturday, January 9, 2016

In 1963 Riding The Seattle Monorail To The Airport

My nephew, Jason, emailed me that which you see here.

Jason has always been a big fan of the Seattle Monorail. Jason has lost track of the number of times he has ridden the Monorail back and forth from Seattle Center to Westlake Center.

Way back when the Seattle Monorail first carried passengers, during the 1962 Seattle World's Fair, many assumed that the Monorail would be expanded, but that never happened, at least not by 2016, but not for lack of trying, including multiple ballot issues attempting to add to the Monorail line.

The caption under the drawing said "The Monorail as it might run to the airport." This was in the February 24, 1963 edition of the Seattle Times.

In 2016 you can not take a Monorail ride from Sea-Tac International Airport to Downtown  Seattle, but you can take light rail which sort of looks like the Monorail, and is elevated in some locations, from the airport to Downtown Seattle where you can exit the train at the Westlake Center station and ride an escalator up a few flights where you can board the Seattle Monorail to continue your journey to the Seattle Center.

Not quite what the Seattle Times envisioned way back in 1963....

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