Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wade Hudson Family & Friends Picket Okanogan Courthouse For Justice

In January we blogged about Justice For Tonasket's Wade Hudson's Murder By Omak Cop.

A paragraph from that blog post for those not familiar with this particular crime...

On Saturday, September 26, 2015 33 year old Wade Hudson was brutally beaten to death in Omak, Washington by police person Shane Schaefer. Wade was murdered because he had a series of epileptic seizures from which he had not fully recovered and was not able to respond to the demands of this very aggressive, abusive killer in uniform. There is a civil law suit filed by Wade's parents against this murderer and a congressman helping to ask for an independent investigation into this death. The Omak, WA police agency has done an internal investigation and found the killer not guilty of murder. The evidence and witnesses do not support their decision. Please help us, Wade's family send this evil cop to prison and get him off the streets before he kills more innocent citizens for being very ill and disabled.

On Monday Wade Husdon's family and friends staged a demonstration in front of the Okanogan County Courthouse protesting the fact that the Okanogan county prosecutor has failed to prosecute police officer Shane Schaefer for the brutal beating of Wade Hudson who was having an epileptic seizure, which the ignorant police officer found threatening, apparently, and thus fatally beat Wade Hudson.

All caught on video.

The Omak-Okanogan County Chronicle covered the Hudson Family Protest, as you can see, above, via the front page of the Tuesday, April 12, 2016 edition.

Slowly the wheels of justice turn. Sometimes too slowly....

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