Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Happy 117th Birthday To Tonasket's Tootsie Aunt Alice

Today, that being March 29, is the birthday of the Tonasket Tootsie known as Alice, or Aunt Alice, by some.

The year of the birth of Aunt Alice is in dispute.

Some Tonasketans believe Aunt Alice to have been born in 1905, making the Tonasket Tootsie 117 years old today.

And thus, one of the oldest people on the Earth planet.

Seeing Aunt Alice, in 2022. one would not possibly believe she to be 117 years old, what with the reality looking less than half that age.

We do not know how old Aunt Alice was in the above photo from the Aunt Alice archives. Ten years old, maybe? 13, perhaps?

For her birthday today, Aunt Alice posed for a recreation of that long ago birthday you see photo documented above. You can see that recreation below, where you will also note that Aunt Alice, in 2022, does not look anywhere close to being 117 years old.

The photo immediately below photo documents Aunt Alice with her gang of fellow Hippies, back in the 1960s.

I wonder if the 2022 version of Aunt Alice can still snugly fit in to her bell bottom jeans?

It is believed the above photo was taken at Everett Community College, where Aunt Alice was matriculating, early in her pursuit of a doctorate degree in the culinary arts.

And below we see Aunt Alice in blonde bombshell mode on her 2022 birthday.

Isn't Aunt Alice a cutie pie at possibly 117 years old? She is like the Tonasket Dolly Parton.

Aunt Alice used to sing and play guitar, til arthritis rendered her fingers unable to strum. But such should not affect the ability to warble.

I don't know if Aunt Alice is currently singing at any of the Tonasket night clubs.


Happy Birthday, Aunt Alice!

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