Friday, June 24, 2022

Leavenworth Adventure Park Tumwater Twister

Yesterday my nephew, Jason, emailed me four photos, three of which were showing my great nephew, Spencer Jack, scootering through the John Wayne Trail tunnel in the Cascade Mountains. This was blogged about in Spencer Jack Rolls Us Through Washington Cascades John Wayne Trail Tunnel

Mention was made in text accompanying that email that Jason and Spencer Jack ended the day staying overnight in my favorite Washington themed tourist town, Leavenworth

Jason made mention of a new attraction under construction in Leavenworth.

An Alpine roller coaster.

This sounded intriguing, so I Googled "Leavenworth Alpine Coaster".

Doing such quickly had me understanding one of those four photos Jason emailed me which I did not understand what I was looking at upon first perusal, yesterday. That is the photo you see above. Which I now realize is Spencer Jack standing in front of the Leavenworth Adventure Park, under construction.

The Leavenworth Adventure Park will have multiple zip lines, rock climbing and that roller coaster, which will be named the Tumwater Twister.

Tumwater is the name of a creek which runs through Leavenworth on its way to the Wenatchee River.

The Tumwater Twister is not your ordinary roller coaster. It is a two person bobsled type ride.

The Tumwater Twister bobsled is pulled up that track you see being built behind the Bavarian chalet under construction.

Upon reaching the summit the Tumwater Twister descends via a series of twists and turns. The bobsled riders can apply braking to slow down if they feel the need.

The Tumwater Twister sounds like a lot of fun to me. I suspect it will be quite popular.

You can watch a YouTube video about the Leavenworth Adventure Park and take a simulated ride on the Tumwater Twister...

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