Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Skagit Valley Tulip Festival Largest In The U.S.

Saw this This Is the Largest Tulip Festival in the U.S. — With Tens of Millions of Blooms Set in a Verdant Valley via and article on MSN.

The Verdant Valley being referenced is the Skagit Valley. A valley which will soon be extremely colorful due to blooming tulips. And other flowers.

Some of the text about this verdant valley in the MSN article...

If the name Skagit Valley sounds familiar that’s because it probably is. The verdant valley in Washington produces everything from cheese and beer to garlic and berries. Seafood is plucked from the sea and served up fresh and all-you-can-pick blueberry farms dot the landscape. The edible bounty is noteworthy, but the valley is best known for its tens of millions of tulips covering the valley every spring.

The blooms can be viewed and celebrated during the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, which is considered to be the largest tulip festival in the U.S. This year, the festival’s 41st, will feature a parade, art shows, a downtown street fair, and more — all set to a colorful, blooming backdrop.

I sure do miss living in the Skagit Valley. All the fruit that grows there, much of it free for the picking, such as blackberries. Or free for the catching seafood, like clams, crab and salmon...

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