Tuesday, August 15, 2023

What? Seattle Is Once Again The Most Liveable City In America?

 A couple days ago, I saw, via MSN, at article which sort of amused me, titled The 10 Most Liveable Cities in the U.S. That Will Change Your Life (For the Better!).

There was a time, back in the 1990s, when time after time various entities would claim Seattle was the Most Liveable City in America. Those days seem long ago. 

And then I clicked on this MSN list of the 10 Most Liveable Cities in the U.S. to see...

1. Seattle, WA
Seattle, famously known for its overcast skies and coffee culture, has transformed into a hub of innovation that’s hard to ignore. 

With the likes of Amazon and Microsoft setting up shop here, job opportunities are as abundant as the raindrops – and that’s saying something! But it’s not just about work; Seattle boasts a blend of cityscape and nature that’s hard to match.

What sets Seattle apart is its unique combination of a bustling urban environment and breathtaking natural surroundings. The iconic Space Needle, often draped in mist, is a testament to the city’s forward-thinking spirit. 

But what’s more astonishing is the city’s accessibility to nature. Just a short drive away, you’ll find yourself amid towering evergreen trees, serene lakes, and hiking trails that could make even the most seasoned explorer swoon.

In recent years Seattle has been the recipient of some bad press over things like way too many homeless people, violent BLM protests, that type thing. 

Since those days back in the 1990s when Seattle got so much positive press, the town has boomed. Adding the Amazon complex at the north end of downtown, light rail running under downtown, a new baseball and football stadium, a new transit tunnel under downtown, a rebuilt waterfront, a multi-billion dollar convention center expansion. And more.

At one point, a few years back, Seattle had more construction cranes sticking up into the sky than any other town in the world.

So, what are the other cities MSN thinks are America's most liveable?

Well, #2 is Austin. I like Austin. Austin is sort of like Seattle-lite. Austin is the most progressive, liberal city in Texas. And, like Seattle, Austin is known for its music scene.

#3 is Denver. I like Denver.

#4 is Portland, Oregon, another town I have spent a lot of time in. Portland is an easy town to get around in with its Max light rail transit system. Downtown Portland is fun, with some streets blocked from auto traffic.

#5 is Raleigh, North Carolina. I have never been to Raleigh. One hears good things about the town.

#6 is Minneapolis, Minnesota. The town which triggered the BLM protests would not seem to be all that livable, to me, but I have never visited that town. I am sure it has many redeeming qualities.

#7 is Washington, D.C., another town I have not visited, but would love to.

#8 is Boston, one more town I have not visited, but feel no strong compulsion to do so.

#9 is San Francisco. Like Seattle and Portland, this west coast down gets a lot of negative press, mostly from right wing media. I have been to San Francisco many times. San Francisco may be my favorite American city. Chinatown, the cable cars, Golden Gate Bridge, Lombard Street, the Embarcadero, and much more.

#10 is Charlotte, which has two North Carolina towns in the top ten most liveable cities in America. I have not been to Charlotte, but like Raleigh, I have heard good things.

These type lists are fun, if not, by any means, definitive. Of the liveable towns on this list of ten, there are two I would love to move to. Seattle or Portland....

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